
Comprehensive portfolio overview

The TokenSight Portfolio page offers the following features:

  • Wallet Performance Overview

  • Comprehensive Asset Overview

  • Comprehensive Orders Overview (Trade Order History, Limit Orders, Take Profit Orders)

It is important to note that each page displays data only for the globally selected chain. The page can be accessed at: https://app.tokensight.io/portfolio.

Wallet Performance Overview

The wallet overview displays high-level stats about the wallet, including:

  • Total Balance

  • Total Volume

  • Total Trades

  • Active Limit Orders

  • An area chart showing recent wallet performance

The supported timeframes for the area chart are 1 year, 6 months, 30 days, and 10 days. For the portfolio data, a snapshot is taken once every 24 hours.

My Assets

Displays the assets in the wallet, including the native balance. You can also exclude any token you don't want to be shown in the portfolio.


Displays the latest orders for the wallet. Additionally, you can view Limit Orders and Take Profit Orders.

Last updated