🧙‍♂️Secure Mode

Trade in Secure Mode

Quick start guide

  1. Create a Secure account on the TokenSight app.

  2. Authorize the Wallet (Set TokenSight, Aggregators and Solana permissions in the Wallet Settings)

  3. Connect your account with the telegram bot (The button with the Telegram icon the menu)

  4. Deposit funds

  5. Start trading

More details

Connecting an existing TokenSight account to the Telegram Trading Bot is very simple - you need to navigate to the Connect Telegram Bot section, and click on Connect.

The major benefit of the Secure Mode is that you can use it to trade via your Secure Wallets directly from the bot, ensuring a self-custodial trading experience in Web, Mobile and Telegram.

This action will create a Telegram chat with the bot that is linked to your account. You can then choose any of the wallets in your account to use for trading on the bot.

Last updated