My Assets
Track your portfolio performance in a single place
Last updated
Track your portfolio performance in a single place
Last updated
For any selected wallet, you can track your portfolio performance in the Portfolio page, and on the trading page.
The portfolio tracker menu gives an overview on total trades, average entry price in USD as well as the current realised + unrealised Profit & Loss.
You can always generate a P&L card and share it on your social media. In addition to that, you can quickly buy more of the tokens you hold, or sell and realise profits instantly.
You can view your assets on the trading page too! This allows for more convenience, so you don't have to switch to the portfolio page just to check the value of your portfolio while trading.
The asset amounts and USD values are updated in real time.
Additionally you can quick sell your tokens to the native asset (e.g ETH for Ethereum and EVM Chains, SOL for Solana) with a single click - Sell All button.