Token Discovery
Find high signal tokens easily
The TokenSight Token Discovery page is the central hub for discovering new tokens. It provides multiple categories of curated data, designed to offer our users high-quality insights that they can act on easily.
The TokenSight Token Discovery page simplifies the process of finding valuable opportunities (alpha). It allows for easy filtering and quick token purchases. The purpose of the Token Discovery page is to help users identify valuable tokens and execute trades effectively.
The Token Discovery page is chain-specific, displaying tokens for the globally selected chain. The token data reflects activity from the past 24 hours.
Token Discovery Categories
The Token Discovery page offers multiple categories and subcategories:
Trending Tokens
Trending coins by volume, pre-filtered to exclude tokens with extremely low liquidity or other anomalies. The Trending Tokens category is available for every chain we support, although it functions differently depending on the chain.
Trending Tokens for Ethereum and Solana
For Ethereum and Solana, the Trending Tokens category includes several subcategories: General, Meme Coins, Blue Chips, and Bot Trades. Each category displays the top 100 trending tokens by volume. Every token is pre-filtered, ensuring that the data provided is high-quality.
We use a proprietary algorithm to discover and filter tokens for these categories.
General This subcategory lists the top 100 general tokens by volume. It can be found here: (for the Ethereum chain).
Meme Coins
A subcategory listing the top 100 memecoins by volume. It can be found here: (for the Ethereum chain).
Blue Chips
A subcategory listing the top 100 blue chip tokens by volume.
It can be found here: (for chain Ethereum).
Bot Trades
A subcategory listing the top tokens trading on Telegram Bots (Banana Gun, Mestro, etc).
It can be found here: (for chain Ethereum).
Trending Tokens for all other chains
Tranding Tokens for all other chains is a static token list manually updated over time.
Can be accessed at: (for Chain Base)
Volatile Tokens
The Volatile Tokens category lists the top volatile tokens by buy and sell pressure.
It can be found here: (for Chain Ethereum)
New Tokens
The New Tokens category lists the top new tokens by buy and sell pressure.
Can be found here: (for Chain Ethereum)
Token Flows
Top tokens accumulated by new wallets.
Can be found here: (for Chain Ethereum)
Filter Tokens
The TokenSight Discovery page allows filtering tokens by any numerical column. The filters are highly granular and can be applied across multiple columns simultaneously. For example, you can filter coins with a market cap between 5 and 15 million dollars and a volume greater than 50 million.
Token filters are saved for each subcategory, so you can use one set of filters for trending memecoins and another for trending blue-chip tokens.
Quick Buy Tokens
You can easily buy any token from the Discovery page using the Quick Buy feature. Simply enter an amount and press the Quick Buy button. This feature allows for quick purchases without requiring any further confirmations, designed with speed in mind. You can also disable the feature by clicking the Quick Buy toggle.
Extra Token Info
While each table contains the most important data for each token, additional information can be obtained by clicking the Info button in the Actions area for each token. You can view advanced token details as well as token security information.
Last updated